Spicy Epubs

Sometimes I make EPUBs of what I'm reading (LN or otherwise), so I'll post them here.

uBlock Origin Filters for Novelupdates, etc.

I currently use a few filters for Novelupdates and VN Meido that filter out all the Chinese, Korean, yaoi, and smut releases. Copy-paste these if you want to use them. These work on both the series finder and the front page (for the front page, make sure you have “origin tagging” turned on so it says [JP], [CN], or [KR] next to the name).

Completely translated LNs, sorted by last update
Latest LN chapters

! 2022-02-25 https://www.novelupdates.com Filter out Chinese and Korean releases

! 2022-02-25 https://www.novelupdates.com Hides yaoi and smut releases.

! 2022-03-11 http://www.vn-meido.com Hides Korean releases.
The front page will look like this with the filter working properly. No Chinese or Korean releases.

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